I was already in the site at dawn and I couldn’t sleep because of the excitement, so I was able to look on the moonset.

The first rays of the sun started to heat the canopy of the old trees.

“Methuselahs” like these can be suitable host trees of the beetle. (Quercus robur L.)

The time of stag beetles, Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758), is over. I found dozens of these beetles dead, mostly chopped up by ants.

A bit of wood found in the last autumn, full of holes.

This could be a fresh exit hole of a female.

There are many exit holes on the trunks of almost every old tree gnawed by Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758.

The number of holes suggests a strong population.

In the morning the sun was rising higher and higher, and the temperature was increasingly hotter, so it was well worth watching the canopy.

By standing under the trees, we were watching the launching beetles.

The perching beetles may be caught with a long net, because they rarely come down the shrub layer.

Females are rare in the net. The number of females may be lower than males.

The first female is green, with blue legs, and 18mm long.

The second is a somewhat reddish and bigger (19mm) specimen.

Males are always smaller, their colour is mostly green.

Reddish coloured male.

A male with blue elytra.

The males are flying around the trees, looking for females sitting on the leaves. When they find one, copulation begins immediately.

Other species of buprestids live in the canopy of oaks as well: Coraebus fasciatus (Villers, 1789).

This male was also caught by net.

After sunset, with the help of torches, we found other beetles:

A rare click beetle: Lacon querceus (Herbst, 1784)

Several specimens of the longhorn Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) were also seen.
Translated by O. Merkl & T. Németh